The Move: we moved across town so it wasn't too terribly bad however, right afterwards, the weather got bad. That figures right?! But we're in a better house (teensy bit smaller though), way better neighborhood, and we are now located 6 houses down from one of the best schools in town. Score!!!
Peanut: my son Peanut has been diagnosed with ONH (Optic Nerve Hypoplasia). This means that he is completely blind in his left eye. We knew something was wrong but I honestly thought his eye just wandered badly. I had no idea he was blind in it. So now he wears glasses to protect his right eye because lets face it, if anything happens to it, he'll be completely blind. He has toughed through a MRI and goes to a endocrinologist on Monday. They checked his pituitary gland for abnormalities to try to explain his small stature. (He's in 1st grade but still wears 4 toddler clothes.) His MRI showed that his pituitary gland is normal but he has septum pellciudum which is the absense of the midline of the brain. Crazy, right?! Prayers and positive vibes are greatly appreciated.
School: This section is super short...I begin student teaching in January and just applied for graduation last Friday! Woot!!!
Thanks for the hiatus. Peanut just celebrated his 7th birthday so pictures of his party will be posted soon.
Stay Awesome!!